Friday, July 30, 2010

Forever 21 Faves.

As in this post here, you all know I LOVE Forever 21.  I just can’t seem to get enough of their stuff.

I haven’t had much success there in the past, I’ll admit, and find that each store is crazy different in terms of what they carry. 

There are two within driving distance of where I live that seem to have an incredible selection.  And, of course, since I’ve recently decided that most of my work clothes look as though I’ve purchsed them at Value Village, I’ve decided to update my closet.

Forever 21 has some stylish staples that don’t cost an arm and a leg.  PERF!

Here are some of the things I picked up:
***I know this shirt looks like a plain jane one, but rest assured, the sleeves pin up to a gorge 3/4 length!***

It may look like I don’t wear pants.  Trust me, I do.  I’m just hard to fit at almost 6’ tall and a size 1.  I have to go on a search for those too; that’s the next mission.  I also clearly wear a lot of sweaters.  I’m cold.  Always.  

*Canadian Girl

Thursday, July 29, 2010

RRSPs 'n Shiz.

I’ve begun saving for retirement.

There, I said it.  I’m in my early 20’s and I should be well on my way.  Krystal was great.  I’ve followed her advice and am just putting away $100 per month.  I know it doesn’t seem like much, but know it will add up in the end.

Using this calculator here {yeah, I’m gung-ho TD.  Deal with it.}, it says that I’m going to need $362.30 per month to reach a $1,000,000 plus retirement goal.  That’s pretty good.  I’m going to most def amp up those payments as I approach retirement, but am keeping it low now because of my reduced salary.

Once I start making more money, I’ll increase the percentage of my income going to my RSP.  I’m also going to be investing the RSP money in different vehicles; I may hold mutual funds long term, and take some for equities when the market goes back on an upswing.

For those of you who have RRSPs, how is the money invested?  Or, how do you plan to invest it?

*Canadian Girl

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

I am so sorry to be gone for a month! Can you believe it?

I've had exams, a crazy work schedule, a job hunt, some long weekends away and {as weird as it sounds} the bf takes up tons of time. However, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The summer has gone by so quickly. I can't even believe it. It's been just gorge here weather-wise, but the humidity has really gotten to my hair. Eff.

But in other news, I'm almost done my designation. If all goes to plan, ONE MORE COURSE!!!!!!!!! Whoop whoop.

I've scheduled some posts for a while coming, so I should be all up and running.

I'm sorry if you've missed me. I know I've sure missed you!


*Canadian Girl