Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Spend Update/Fail.

I'd promised in an earlier post to do a "no spend days" update.  Can I say EPIC FAIL?  I am doing so badly!  This is not cool, Canadian Girl, not cool!

As I've mentioned before, my monthly target is 12 days.  This is realistic, given that I can go about 3 days a week without spending a cent...that is until I joined the effing d-ball team and got a bf.  Urgh.

January - 6/12
February - 8/12

Since I love numbers so much, a quick calculation yields that to be a 58% rate of "no spendage".  Srrsly?  I'm not doing well.

Must pull up my socks!


*Canadian Girl

1 comment:

  1. I'm just as bad... last month my goal was 15 "no spend" days.. bahahahaha!!! As IF!! I may have gotten in 1, or 2 at the VERY MOST. lol! So don't feel bad.. ;) I think there are times when it's easier than others kwim? All depends on what's going on in your life at the time!
