Just when we thought Tiger Woods was the ultimate D*bag, in
comes Jesse James. For serious. Who in their effing right mind would cheat on
Sandra Bullock? Really??
Fame get to your small peen and make you lash out like the
d*ck you are? Oy. As you can tell, I feel so strongly about
someone who doesn’t treat a woman properly. I guess he’s given up the girl next door for
Swastika-loving, Harley riding, S&M loving ladies strippers.
Take Exhibit A:
Michelle “Bombshell” McGee.
#1 – nice name. I’m
sure you were born with that
#2 – you cheat knowing he has a wife? What a woman
#3 – you have white supremist tattoos and a KID? Some people shouldn’t be allowed to pro-create
Exhibit B: Melissa Smith
#1 – lots of tattoos with not so bad sayings; I have tats
and I rep them, I’ll give you 1 over McGee
#2 – you’re a stripper.
‘Nuff said.
#3 – you’ve been arrested multiple times. Classy.
Exhibit C: Brigitte Daguerre
#1 – you’re a kinky, homewrecking mess who isn’t even that
#2 – hired as an OCC employee. He has a wife; you should’ve stayed where you
#3 – claimed the sex was bad. Hilarious, as shiteous as she is.
Exhibit D: Janine Lindemulder – Ex wife #2
#1 – you can’t even raise your daughter; you live in a
halfway house like the coked out ex-porn star you are
#2 – see Exhibit D, #1
#3 – your own daughter doesn’t want to be with you. She’d rather have Sandra as her mother
Seems like Ex #1 - Karla James - is the only one who hasn't slept with Jesse James.
What a douche. Keep your head up, Sandra!!