Monday, December 20, 2010

The 'Perks' of Loyalty Programs.

In my {humble} opinion, it seems as though there are two distinct schools of thought on this: yay or nay, no ambiguity.

I personally refuse to pay for loyalty programs.  For instance, my Body Shop membership which would normally be $10/year costs me nothing if I use the card 3 or 4 times a year {which I do}.  I wouldn’t pay the $10 at the store – you want me to PAY YOU to come and shop in your store?  Two words for you: starts with F and ends with F!

One such program whose merits I was unsure of was PetSmart’s Pet Perks program.  This program doesn’t cost anything, but I wasn’t told an exact percentage of savings, nor exactly what I was to get out of being a member.  I was in PetSmart doing some doggie Christmas shopping {yeah, I dress my dog up…don’t judge} and remembered I was a member.  Figuring my bill would be high because of the 8 things I bought, which included doggie toothpaste and various items of clothing and toys, I handed over my Pet Perks card thinking nothing of it.  Low and behold, that card entitled me to a 40% savings. 

Yes, you read that right: 40%.  My bill went to $50.73 after tax to $30.40.  I can’t believe this.  I didn’t have to pay for it and just for patronizing your store, I get tremendous savings on things my dog needs wants anyway. 

Thank you PetSmart.  Perhaps other loyalty programs can take the hint and learn what it really means to attract and maintain a loyal customer base.

Feel freezies to share your loyalty stories {good or bad} below.  I’m sure we barganistas {or bargainistos…whatevs you fancy} would love to hear about it!

*Canadian Girl

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