Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesse James, You Douche.

Just when we thought Tiger Woods was the ultimate D*bag, in comes Jesse James.  For serious.  Who in their effing right mind would cheat on Sandra Bullock?  Really??

Fame get to your small peen and make you lash out like the d*ck you are?  Oy.  As you can tell, I feel so strongly about someone who doesn’t treat a woman properly.  I guess he’s given up the girl next door for Swastika-loving, Harley riding, S&M loving ladies strippers.  

Take Exhibit A:  Michelle “Bombshell” McGee.
*courtesy of {barf}

#1 – nice name.  I’m sure you were born with that
#2 – you cheat knowing he has a wife?  What a woman
#3 – you have white supremist tattoos and a KID?  Some people shouldn’t be allowed to pro-create

Exhibit B:  Melissa Smith

#1 – lots of tattoos with not so bad sayings; I have tats and I rep them, I’ll give you 1 over McGee
#2 – you’re a stripper.  ‘Nuff said.
#3 – you’ve been arrested multiple times.  Classy.

Exhibit C: Brigitte Daguerre

#1 – you’re a kinky, homewrecking mess who isn’t even that hot
#2 – hired as an OCC employee.  He has a wife; you should’ve stayed where you belong
#3 – claimed the sex was bad.  Hilarious, as shiteous as she is.

Exhibit D: Janine Lindemulder – Ex wife #2
                                                *courtesy of

#1 – you can’t even raise your daughter; you live in a halfway house like the coked out ex-porn star you are
#2 – see Exhibit D, #1
#3 – your own daughter doesn’t want to be with you.  She’d rather have Sandra as her mother

Seems like Ex #1 - Karla James - is the only one who hasn't slept with Jesse James.  

What a douche.  Keep your head up, Sandra!!


*Canadian Girl

Monday, March 29, 2010

How Do You Define 'Money'?

It has been said that money is merely an idea in our heads; a perceived amount assigned to these little strips of paper and coins of metal that we carry in our wallets.  Modern economics, however, teaches money as a “unit of account”, designed to set the economical tone and allow for the trade of goods and service in exchange for money.
Noting that money is that perceived amount assigned to the individual strips of paper known as “units of account”, can it be argued that money is not one or the other, but instead a combination of both?  Could it be that money is an idealized object and just a mere figment of imagination with no real meaning?

One side will argue that, yes, money is simply required to live and is used to purchase things whose value is arbitrary and set to make a profit, rather than provide benefit to the purchaser.  Another side will argue the opposite; money remains the key to the future and what makes the world go around.

Have you ever heard the saying that there are people who have money and that there are people who are rich?  I believe that money doesn’t make you who you are; it only allows for the material and can sometimes prove to muddy the brains of those who want and want and want, neglecting the importance of friendships, family, security, love and safety.  Our world is so obsessed with what money “means”, that we forget that it is merely a piece of paper with an arbitrary amount.  

In the world of Canadian Girl, money has consumed me.  No, I don’t mean the things that the material cannot substitute for: security and satisfaction.  For the first time in my life I can safely say that I am financially secure.  Do I have the most expensive things, or the best of the best?  No.  But I have money in the bank for an emergency {yes, money will get you out of an emergency, I’ll give you that}, a family that loves me, wonderful friends and the love of those around me.  This mere figment in our world’s imagination has become a representation of my own success.  I do not put my full measure of success on the balance of my bank account, but rather measure my success in the ability to cease spending and thus viewing money as a “unit of account” to fuel the materialistic microcosm of the economy which existed in my own head.  I have transformed the “unit” to a figment or an idea.  Money is transformational and its value lies in the beholder. 

It’s clear from my experience that the true meaning of the word ‘money’ will vary among those you talk to.  So, my dears, what do you think ‘money’ is?


*Canadian Girl

Saturday, March 27, 2010

*Canadian Girl Was Wondering: 6 year old edition.

Why the eff do my fingers always wrinkle when I shower for too long, or I'm in the pool for an extended period?  It's something I've always wondered.  So, I Googled.  Yes, I Googled.

Here's your answer:

Basically, your skin is made up of two levels: the epidermis and dermis.  The top layer {or epidermis} is made up of keratin-based proteins and is designed to basically keep the water out.  However, when exposed to water for long periods, the keratin absorbs the water and swells, while the under layers do not.  Thus, there is a wrinkling effect due to the increased swelling. 

There you have it.  A random, un-scientific answer to a rando question.

How old am I, six?  See a good article to answer it better here.


*Canadian Girl

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Spend Update/Fail.

I'd promised in an earlier post to do a "no spend days" update.  Can I say EPIC FAIL?  I am doing so badly!  This is not cool, Canadian Girl, not cool!

As I've mentioned before, my monthly target is 12 days.  This is realistic, given that I can go about 3 days a week without spending a cent...that is until I joined the effing d-ball team and got a bf.  Urgh.

January - 6/12
February - 8/12

Since I love numbers so much, a quick calculation yields that to be a 58% rate of "no spendage".  Srrsly?  I'm not doing well.

Must pull up my socks!


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Johnny Weir. I die.

Unless you've been living under a rock of late,  you know that the Olympics just finished here in Canada.  GO CANADA!  Oh wait, sorry - to be honest, I couldn't give an eff.  Hate it or love it, that's me.

I digress...

I'm not much for sports and can only stomach those that don't consist of hockey, two man luge, snow of any sort, and involve dancing somehow.  By the powers of deduction, I am therefore left with ONE thing to watch during the winter olympics: ice skating.  Or, ice dancing.  Whatever you call it, I'll usually tune in to check out the costumes, choreography and athleticism.

I don't like to can't skate.  I know, I know.  I'm a sorry excuse for a Canadian.  I'd love to be able to do so, but I just can't.  It's impossible.  I've had pro hockey players try to teach me {yes, a good friend is married to an NHL player}, and even they are amazed at my sheer inability to glide.  I prefer to "step" or "stomp". 

Again, I digress...

Johnny Weir: the man is odd.  Sorry.  He's odd.  Gay?  Likely.  Does it matter?  Not really.  His sexual preference has no baring whatsoever on his style, or lack thereof.

See this as Exhibit A {image from the Globe and Mail}:

To me, this looks a little too Blades of Glory, no? 

His flamboyant tendancies aside {wanna know what I'm talking about?  Read this.}, he's a great skater.  But seriously dude, WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DRESS?

Exhibit B: 
I love LV.  But srrrsly?

And what would be any great fashionistao without a little controversy?  See here, oh and here too.

Controversy or not.  You go Johnny Weir!


*Canadian Girl

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

*Canadian Girl's Currently Loving: Forever 21 Dresses

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this dress.  And it's el-cheapo {new phrase.  make it stick.} at Forever 21.   And it has p-o-c-k-e-t-s!  Like...whoa.

Ooh...and this one too.

I wish our F-21 was better.  Urgh.

Need this for Cabo {or anything else, really...}.  NOW. 

Any opinions on where I can find the "best" F-21 in Canada?

....I'm interested to see your opinions!


*Canadian Girl

Apologies for the Absence.

Hi Lovelies,

So sorry to have been absent of late.  I have had a death in my family and it's consumed most of my time.

I will be back at it shortly.  Just wanted you all to know I haven't forgotten to blog.  I'm just pre-occupied. 

I am so sorry!


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lovin' the Sun.

It's so bright and sun-shiney here today.  Can I tell you how happy that makes me?  It's something like 15 degrees outside.  To anyone outside of Canada or a US State with cold weather would think that's positively frigid.  We, however, embrace the heat though it may only be a small relief from winter.

I didn't realize just how much the sun affects my mood.  Going for a walk at lunch today made me uber happy and I'm ready to conquer the afternoon.  I just wish I was somewhere on a patio drinkin' with the Irish.  I hate being an adult.  Eff.

Can the weather really affect my mood thiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss much??

{side note:  I've accomplished sweet nothing at work today.  This is my St. Paddy's strike!}



*Canadian Girl

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mexican Food. Free.

Yesterday I met up with an old university friend, we'll call him G, for dinner at a Mexican restaurant here in the city.  OM Geeeeeeee  it was great.  It's getting me super excited for Cabo in April. 

I'm not usually one for spice in my food, but let me tell you that the Enchiladas were great.  There was a special where you got the Enchiladas and a beer for $12.  Great deal if you ask me, considering that the Enchilladas were $9.95 and the beer $5.55 each on its own. may also be interested to know that I lurrrrve beer.  Especially Dos Equis, and Sol.  Yes, I love Mexican beer.  And guacamole.  But only the homemade kind, not the shizz you get in those plastic containers at Sobeys or Loblaws.  Gross.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for Cabo.  But I think it's still too far away to start a countdown.                             

Bf joined us for dinner {secretly,  I wanted him to come so he could get excited too!} and then treated me to my meal; he's been practically living at my place since Saturday, so I've fed his weight in groceries.  It's the least he can do! {yeah.  I'm a mean gf.  Deal with it!}  This ------->
is what that guacamole looked like.  It's early in the morning and I STILL want more!  Eff my life.  I'm on operation super sexy hot body for Mexico here.

That makes yesterday "no spend" day #1 for the week.  I'm going for 3 a week, making approximately 12 per month.  That's the very max I can do right now.  I have to bus to and fro dodgeball on Mondays, and usually end up picking up a bagel and a coffee before my class on Wednesday nights.  I've tried bringing my dinner, but it's just always soggy and nasty by the time 5pm rolls around.  A Tim's bagel and coffee is only $2.52, so I think I can absorb that cost.

My savings/spending plan is all about anticipating costs, so that's what I've done this week.  I don't really anticipate spending more than that, but you never know what could pop up.  Yesterday was a "no spend", today should be, and Thursday should be, giving me my three for this week.  I will have to do a March tally so far and a Feb wrap up to get back to you. 

What's new with you, my loves??


*Canadian Girl

Thursday, March 11, 2010

*Canadian Girl's Currently Loving: The Burberry Trench.

Ok, so I've always wanted a Burberry trench.  I think it's classic, worth the money and will never go out of style.

I fully believe it would be a worthwhile dollar spend on my part; an investment in my wardrobe, so to speak.

However, every time I'm at Holt's, I just can't bring myself to fathom the very thought of buying one.  $3,000 for a jacket?  Come the f*ck on.  Seriously?  I'm a slave to fashion, but my wallet sure ain't. 

'Member when bf and I went to Niagara and I took a little tumble off ye ol' bandwagon?  There's a Burberry outlet that had trenches.  They were reasonably priced much cheaper than Holt's and were a classic, not 'nouveau' sort of design. I just want something simple and elegant and timeless.  Something that is beige on the exterior with the Burberry Nova Check interior.  Is that so much to ask?

Hey Burberry - 1980 called.  They want their design back.  Seriously?  WTF Burberry?  You're always so damned classic!

Check out this link on  WTF? {again}.


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Income Summary and Savings Forecast {oh ya, and I'm DEBT FREEEE!}.

As promised in yesterday's post, I'm going to show you my income/savings forecast for the remainder of March and the month of April.  I will likely make this a monthly or bi-monthly thing - give me some feedback and let me know what you think, prettttty pleeeeeeease.

Anywho, enough with the lame-ass preamble and onto the good shizz. 

Click on the pic to make it bigger.  Here, I've done a simple Assets vs Liabilities and net worth calculation.  Looks like I'll be IN THE BLACK {!!!} for both months.  Ok, so not sooooo black for March, but either way, its positive; that's more than I can say before. 

All of April's numbers are ballpark's, as is the latter half of March.  I will periodically update and let you guys know how it's going {if you want to know, that is}. 

The bf and I have booked a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  Since I've had a little $$$$ saved already for trips, I'm not going to be completely out money.  I figure since I have an e-fund, and I've been so good and have paid off my debt less than 2 years after graduating university, that I totes deserve a trip.  ANNNNNNNND, I've always wanted to go to Cabo.  We're departing at the end of April and I can't wait. 

I also am thinking of buying another pair of Tory Burch flats.  LOVE LOVE LOVE these and I recommend these to anyone.  I've allotted for this in my savings calculation below.

Again, click on the pic to enlarge it.  You can see that I'll be in the red at the end of March.  Perhaps I can hold off on those shoes.  I clearly need to sell some stuff to make money as well to pay for Cabo.  Gross.  But I deserve this trip and I'm going.  I'll let you know how it goes with the sellage.

What are your thoughts, peeps?


*Canadian Girl

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

DEBT FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES!  You read the title correctly.  Officially, as of today, I am waking up debt free for the first time in about 5 or 6 years.  Can you believe it?  I don't think it's hit me yet.  Really, I don't. 

My tax return was a little less than I thought it would be, coming in at roughly $926.  This gave me enough leeway to pay the $16.75 admin fee for my taxes, buy a shirt, and pay the remainder of my debt.  I have even put a little extra in the account for any interest that might pop up.  WHOOP WHOOP!  I don't owe a penny to anyone, except for my mortgage.  I can't believe it.  I wonder when it'll finally hit.

To celebrate, I'm buying my Tory Burch shoes that I want (found them on eBay uber cheap) and will be taking a trip away with the bf.  You ask how I"ll afford this?  You'll see a post on that tomorrow. 

In the meantime, check out the visual proof here:

I'm thinking I may try to sell something on Craigslist so that I can buy some Chanel sunnies for my trip. 


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5 Days til DEBT FREE!

I just checked on the CRA's online site, and I will be paid my tax return on March 8th, directly into my bank account.  Can you believe it?  5 days and I will be totally DEBT FREE.

Let the countdown begin!  I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself once I'm not constantly thinking about money anymore.  Yes, I'll still save.  Yes, I'll still clip coupons.  BUT, I will now have the freedom to do what I want when I want to with my money and not owe a single penny with the exception of my mortgage (which, might I add, I plan to try to pay down aggressively in the next few years...I've got time tho, and the interest it crazy low right now!).

I will be posting AND counting down every day (or I'll try to at least...I have a thing on Saturday with my sorority...but besides that, I'm good).

What will I buy to reward myself?  Perhaps those Tory Burch shoes and some sunglasses.  What do you think I should get?  If you want, I can post pics - but you've all seen the Tory Burch shoes, I'll just post of the sunglasses.  Let me know in the comments.


*Canadian Girl

I just noticed the excessive use of brackets and run-on sentences.  I'm excited.  Apologies.  Deal with it.