Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Separating Business from Personal.

Now that I'm going to be going into this new job, it's imperative that I separate my business expenses from my personal. 

I've got a Citi cashback mastercard that I think would be perfect to use.  That way, I get a little something back for my business expenditures.  This is just such a simple practice that so few people do.  This way, I am able to know what is a personal budget item apart from what will be a business budget item that will be reimbursable. 

I think that it would be so easy to get myself caught up in the payoff of my own personal visa {despite the incentive of CRAZY Aeroplan points from business expenses} that I would drive myself crazy spending my personal $$$ to pay back things that I don't even owe for. 

I'd posted a while ago about CIBC taking over Citi's mastercard book of business, so I wonder if I'll get that cashback feature still once the deal goes thru in October.  If I don't, I'll just have to use my Aerogold visa, I guess, or use my backup TD Rebate Rewards.

How do you separate business from personal expenses?


*Canadian Girl

Monday, September 27, 2010

*Canadian Girl's Currently Loving: Riding Boots.

To me, the ultimate in chic, old money and class lies in the classic riding boot {ok, so Lacoste and Hunter boots too, but I digress...}.  I don't yet own a pair, and have been lusting after a pair for oh, about 6 seasons now.  I'm more than convinced that they won't go out of style, but I'm just not sure how much I'm willing to spend.  I'd love a long lasting, leather pair, but those are going to run me upwards of $300 I would imagine {and from what I've observed}.  So, in the meantime to help me make my decision, I'm keeping a running list here. I would tend to choose brown leather, as that's what I wear more of.  Nevertheless, you could pick any of these in black and they would STILL look stunning.

These are some amazeballs riding boots that I've found at varying pricepoints.  I lust.  Eff.  I need a pair:

{Gucci boots.  Link here on  $1,535.  Out of price range.  But gorge. }

{Cole Haan boots.  A little closer to budget at $498.  They also have Nike Air.  Comes in black too.}

{Tory Burch Patterson Riding Boots - via  Pricey at $526, but I so LOVE Tory Burch}

{more from Tory Burch.  These are $495 USD, so pricey again, but I would venture that they're crazy comfy.  Here via}

The link wouldn't let me post images, but if you click on my link below, it will take you to the Zellers website.  PURE by Alfred Sung makes some of the cutest work staples, including shoes and boots, at really reasonable prices.  I've bought quite a few myself for work this year!  Starting at $39.95, they may be the best option for me!

Zellers - sorry US readers, Zellers is only in Canada.  Target may have something similar in their Mossimo line, I believe.


*Canadian Girl

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Would you loves be interested in me setting up a Formspring account?

I'm still interested in keeping this whole blog thing anonymous, but I think it would be a fun way to interact.  I would only answer questions that still maintained my anonymity, but let you readers in a little more on me.  It would allow for a forum for you guys to perhaps inspire blog posts, or ask PF questions.

Lemme know in the comments below....PLEASE.


*Canadian Girl

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ways to Make More Money.

I think we all want to make more money, but just don't know how.

I'm trying to find that ONE thing that I can do part time to bring in just an extra $100 per month.  Time is a factor for me.  I know there isn't something that's just going to make itself money, short of an investment property.  However, let's be realistic, I don't have the cashflow for that right now!

Do any of you do something 'on the side' {and by on the side, I mean legal of course! *I kid, I kid*} to make more dollaz?

Even if it's just $100 more per month, I'd be interested to hear about it.  Please comment below my loves!


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New York State of Mind.

Cliche title?  You bet.  I LOVE THIS CITY!

I'm in Manhattan right now, and am loving it.  I feel like Sex and the City...without the Sex.  Just the City.  Or the ladies for that matter {miss you all my girls!!!}.

I've been here many times in my life, but always find something new and better to do than the last time.

I'm taking tons of profesh pics, so I'll do a post on that when I get back.

Will I do a post on how much I spent?  Not likely.  Sorry kiddies!!!  I'm trying to not blow the budge, but this is way too hard....oy.  I may go off the wagon.  It'll be so worth it tho!


*Canadian Girl

Monday, September 20, 2010


*** Vacation alert:  I'm in NYC right now {frugal post to follow}, so any delay in comments is due to the fact that it's uber expensive on my Blackberry in the States.  Please be easy on me***

In typical PF form, I'm a huge fan of Gail Vaz-Oxlade.  She's in her last season of 'Til Debt Do Us Part, but has recently premiered a new show entitled Princess.

{Image from}

Have any of you watched it?  I know I have and I think it's great.  The women that have been profiled so far are exactly my age, and fit my exact definition of a princess.  And what's more?  I'm just like some ways.

I get my hair done.  I like expensive bags.  I live on my own.  I go out {sometimes}.  However, there's one acute difference: I've earned it. 

There's a lot to be said for earning your own way and being frugal to get what you want.  I get my nails done.  That costs $30 a month.  However, it comes out of my $400 monthly discretionary spending.  I'm a horrific {and I mean horrific} nail biter, so this is {almost} a necessity for me.  My hair?  I am horrid with the dye bottle, so I pay a little more to have it done.  Do I borrow money? NO.  I know it's a monthly expense, so I put a little away each month to cover the $180 cost.  The bags?  I save or I buy used.  I don't really buy expensive clothes, except for a few work staples that cost over $60.  The rest are from Forever 21.  My home?  I saved for it and furnished from family freebies and cheap-ass Craigslist furniture, which I've refinished. 

These princesses don't know how much they make.  They just spend spend spend.  I have a budget, and allocate each paycheque to things like discretionary spending, bills and various savings accounts that include retirement.  I can look like a Princess, but I'm of the firm belief that being a true Princess goes beyond the appearance.  

Some want to call me a Princess?  Go for it.  I'm also of Jewish heritage {insert any applicable Jewish stereotypes here}.  But there's a difference:  I've earned it.  They haven't. 


*Canadian Girl

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The PF Monster: Round 2.

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll remember this post here. The bf is slowly becoming a PF monster of my own creation.

This isn't a bad thing per se, but last night's convo really left me wondering:

Bf: "I went down finally to take all the recycling from the move down to the P1 parking lot.  Do you know just how many people don't take their empties back to the store?"

Me: "Yeah I know.  I guess I'm cheap.  A lot of people don't, but that's transit fare or a contribution to your beer if you take some back."

{disclaimer:  this is NOT may have been tho in university!  I seem to remember our yard looking like this once or twice......   -----------> }
Bf: "Next time I want to go buy beer, I'm going down to the recycling first to see who's left empties.  I'm going to take them back and get money for them!"

Me: "I understand your reasoning, honey.  But the HOMELESS pick the garbage for empties.  Do you really want to be on the same level as the HOMELESS?"

Bf:  "Well if I save $4....yeah...."

Look what I've done.  So, do you take your empties back for money?  I think it's a great way to earn a few bucks for the change jar, or even to fund your next binge party.  Speaking of that, I have a closet full to go return right now :)


*Canadian Girl

Friday, September 17, 2010

I did it. I QUIT!

So,  just as the title says, I quit my job.

To be perfectly honest, it was easier than I'd thought it would be.  I wasn't really all that nervous, and I think it's because I was just SO READY to leave.

I'm off of work until October 12th, which feels great.  I feel a little lame-o being unemployed, but technically, since I have a job lined up, I'm not, right? 

The new job that I've taken on is going to be amazing.  I think I'm going to really have my time to shine and show what I'm made of.  At the very least, all my hours of hard work will now pay off in the form of dollaz.  The only thing I'm worried about is the transition to 100% sales in year 3.  That's a f*kload of pressure, but I think that by then I will have enough of a customer base and skillset to make sure that I surpass the "need to live" budget.



*Canadian Girl

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Should We Keep a Budget Item for Appearances? That's Just the Way it Is.

Take a look at Dog’s post here.  She brings up a valid point about having to purchase something to keep up her ‘appearance’ among a certain ilk of people.  When your read the post, keep in mind that it IS Texas.  Things are bigger there!

Regardless of where you’re located, one can argue that there’s always a ‘need’ to fit in to a certain circle, whether it be because of your job, or perhaps the social circle you run with.  I watch the Real Housewives series.  Yes, I love them.  Knock me if you want, but I think they make for great tv.  Those ladies are a prime example of keeping up with appearances.  In fact, most of the OC ladies are in debt up to their eyeballs and have had homes foreclosed and marriages ended over money, infidelity or other equally tragic things all in the name of appearances.  I don’t begrudge them their desire to be ‘elite’.  Sometimes, I feel the same pressure.

Where I live, I’m surrounded by young professionals at home and at work.  I’m underpaid for the work I do, but keep my discretionary spending to a minimum so I can afford to buy a few nice things, like a watch {I think a nice watch says a lot and makes all outfits look classy and put together} and a bag.  I like expensive bags, but can’t afford them unless I scrimp in other areas.  I guess you could say that, like Dog, I’m keeping up appearances to a certain degree.  Yes, I like designer bags, but I also think that the vast majority of the people I work with have bags of the same calibre, and so I too must join in to fit the bunch. 

I think that in today’s society, we should have a budget item, or at least scrimp to buy certain things that help us fit the mould of whatever sect of society to which we fit.  If you’re a construction worker, you need your tools and boots.  If you’re a banker, you need a nice suit and shoes.  That’s just the way it is.

I get those people who say we don’t need to conform.  I see where you’re coming from.  But perhaps you’ve never had the requirement to fit in with a crowd or ilk of people who could help you better your life.  Am I using them?  No.  But do I need to move up in my job?  Yes.  Do I need to present a certain image as a woman to do that?  Absolutely. 

I think that’s the underlying message in Dog’s post: we sometimes need to keep up appearances just to maintain the status quo in a certain high society that may help us engage ourselves to better our future.  That’s just the way it is.


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September? Eff.

I can't believe it's the end of the summer already.

WTF dude? My summer has just flown by and I would imagine it has for you too.

Eff. This is just too much; it's almost the fall already. I've spent my summer working at this dead end job which has pretty much stolen my soul. Ouch. And I've studied my arse off for my exams.

The good news: one more exam before the designation is complete. Oh, and fall = my birthday.


*Canadian Girl