Friday, October 29, 2010

Is Paying Off Debt an "Emergency"?

Knowing that I'm a bit of a PF nerd, a friend recently posed a question to me:  "should I use my $1,000 e-fund to pay off some small debt?". 

This got me thinking - is debt really an emergency?  Is your irresponsibility {or not - could be different circumstances} really considered to be an emergency of sorts?

I told her that it could go 1 of 2 ways - if it was due to an emergency, yes, take the $1,000.  If it wasn't and you're unsure about your future income, then don't touch it.  I'm going to work with her to get the money reduced in a few months - right now, it's at roughly $7k, so it's a pittance comparatively speaking. She hasn't a foggy clue what a budget is, nor how to save or that she should be packing away a bit for retirement already.

This is my first 'client' for lack of a better term {disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor; I'm just helping a chica out!}.  Let's hope this goes well.  I'm going to take a list of ways to save money, use my weekly budget tracker, and make her read Gail's blog daily!


*Canadian Girl

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Big news.  The BF proposed!!  WOOOOO HOOO!  I’m engaged.

This is scary, and exciting, and a huge surprise. 

All I can think about is the money; where can I save without affecting the time my guests have at the wedding?  I’ve been to a few weddings where it’s blatantly obvious where the money was skimped and where it wasn’t.  I’ve also been to weddings where guests were asked to do things like contribute to the bride and groom’s honeymoon instead of gifts – this is not on the list for us, as I think it’s tacky for us to ask people to send US on a trip when it may have been a year or more since they’ve spent money on a trip for themselves.

Here are a few ways I’ve come up with to save:

-         designer sample sale dress – I can get one for $500 or less {none of this Say Yes to the Dress over priced shizz for me….I’m a size 2…I can fit into the mannequin stuff!}
-         make my own favours
-         make my own place cards and menus
-         use fake flowers in the centerpieces
-         get a friend to do the engagement pics {which, I’m not even 100% sure I want yet!}
-         make my own invites
-         hire a friend to be the DJ
-         ask friends to volunteer services instead of a gift – ie. A makeup artist or hairdresser friend

There’s only one problem:  I’m not crafty.  Perhaps getting things made on will be a better bet!

Any tips from you married readers out there?  How can I save without looking cheap?

*Canadian Girl

This will NOT turn into a wedding blog.  I will NOT be bridezilla.  If you see that happening, please tell me in the comments.  I love you all and want you to enjoy my blog!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting Back on the Wagon.

Thanks, Krystal for your tip {you can see her comment in a previous post}.

I’ve gone back to ye ol’ budge and I’m working on getting back on the decreased spending wagon.  Instead of doing it weekly tho, I’m going to be doing just a monthly flat $600 {I haz gas now to pay for!}, and tracking monthly spending with receipts stapled to the expense list.

I’m still going to go for 12 ‘no spend’ days a month.  However, I know I won’t make it this month since I’ve had a ton to do with the new job, car etc.  I will be starting my monthly updates in November. 

I have some money to pay off from the purchase of the car and savings to replenish {used in my month off work}, so I’ll have to update my monthly budge once I get a picture of how my spending pattern is going to go.


*Canadian Girl

Friday, October 15, 2010

New Job.

I've started my new job this week.  I'm loving it so far, but am totes finding it difficult to live on the reduced budge that's resulted from my month off.

I went a little off the bandwagon and now I have to get myself back in gear - NYC just does that to you!


How do you guys get back on track?  I'm at a loss this time.  I can't really go to cash only, and find it difficult to keep any and all receipts.  What gives?  Am I that out of it that I can't manage my own finances?



*Canadian Girl

Friday, October 8, 2010

Citibank Platinum Enrich is Gonzo. Officialz.

I gave up a ring to Citibank today just to inquire as to when the CIBC takeover would be effected.  The kind and knowledgable attendant on the phone informed me that CIBC has only purchased some of Citibank's Mastercard portfolio, and that my Enrich Platinum was part of that takeover. 

I will be issued a cheque for the cash portion {so as not to lose it}, and then re-issued a card with CIBC branding.  Um...yeah.  I'm on the hunt for a new Mastercard.  I highly doubt that the same perks as the Platinum Enrich will be upheld when CIBC effects it's final takeover, and the lady I spoke with was of the same mindset.

Therefore, I'm going to begin my foray, yet again, into the world of mastercards with perks.  I like to have 1 of each - visa, mastercard and amex.  Since my visa is Aeroplan points and I'll be using the mastercard strictly for my business and gas expenses, I need would like something that offers a similar cashback perk to the Platinum Enrich.

I've narrowed my search to the cards as follows:

- MBNA Smartcash
- Capital One

Any suggestions?  I'm leaning towards one of the first two, and selecting one with cashback.

Thoughts?  Please comment :) 


*Canadian Girl

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Did you all miss me??  Ha.  I know that was a resounding yes! *lolz*

I had a fantastic time in NYC.  I'd forgotten how much I truly missed that place; despite living in a somewhat thriving metropolis, it's still my favourite place on earth.

Given that the bf was working all day every day, I had a lot of time to kill.  I found some super cool stuff to do {besides shopping...which I did lots of} that was cheap or free.  One of my favourite things to do was sit outside the NY Public Library {think SATC - Carrie's almost wedding} with a Starbucks and people watch, or do the same in Times Square.  I could go on for hours.

Instead of doing that, I will give you all some NYC picture porn.  You're welcome.


*Canadian Girl

Oh PS!

Since this is a PF blog and all, I have to throw some PF shiznat out there: TD Bank now has a HUGE presence in NYC {and according to them, will be doing so in other States in the near future}.  I was able to withdraw US funds from my Canadian account WITHOUT a fee.  Can you believe it?  Go TD!